Friday, July 29, 2011

Birthday weekend

So we are still having issues with our computer situations, so no pictures yet...sorry!!

Well this is my birthday weekend! It's a little different with a baby, and not being at home with my family, but it will still be great! We have a packed weekend. Tomorrow morning I am hosting a double baby shower for two women in our church, I'm so excited about it, I'll do a post on it later if I can get the pictures on here! Then we have all our church stuff on Sunday and community group is starting at our house Sunday night.

My mom is always one to make me feel super special on my birthday, she sent me a box packed with goodies! One thing that I am just loving our these sandals from Sseko Designs. These sandals are handmade in Africa by women. Here is some info from their website:

"Sseko \say-ko\ Designs was created to help these bright young women continue their education. The Ugandan school system is designed with a nine month gap between secondary school and university. These nine months are intended to allow time for students to earn money for tuition before continuing on to university. However, in an impoverished and male dominated society, many of these young women struggle to find fair work during this time.

Sseko Designs hires recent secondary school graduates for this nine month period to live and work together, while earning money that will go directly towards their university education. These women will not make sandals forever. They will go on to be doctors, lawyers, politicians, writers and teachers that will bring change and unification to a country divided and ravished by a 22 year-long...Every sandal has a story. This story has only just begun, but with your help, it will be a story of hope, success, and change!"

I have wanted a pair of these for almost a year. Go to the website and check them out:
I love these for several reasons, first off they are supporting a company that I support and believe in. Secondly, because of how they are made you get multiple pair of shoes! I am so excited about all the possibilities!! I'll take some pictures of mine later and show them off :)

Here is my birthday present from Clint (he doesn't know all these details yet, haha), I will go to Starbucks and get a special drink, then head off to Target and get a few items, and then off to Williams-Sonoma (my mother-in-law got me a gift card from there!) to buy a few items I've had my eye on for awhile!! While I'm doing all of this sweet Sawyer Beth will be home with her daddy...Ahhhhhhhhh this will be delightful!

On a side note, Clint has been busting his bootie off at work and I am so proud of him! Thank you Clint for providing for our family!!

Happy Friday!!


  1. yay for a birthday tomorrow!!! wish we could celebrate with you guys! sounds like a fun plan you have for yourself :)

  2. Happy Birthday Alex!!! Love you bunches and hope you feel super special today! Sounds like a great plan for your Birthday...Enjoy every minute!!! Can't wait to see you in October!
