Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Here is a cute video that Clint took a few nights ago!

Counting down the days till Christmas and Louisville!!!


  1. Oh I love love love love this video. I can't believe what all she can do. That camera kiss is too precious for words. She certainly has a mind of her own. I LOVE IT!

  2. she is so brave! Lydia has never attempted to climb up on any of the furniture...not even our couch.

  3. We may not be able to understand what she is saying, but she knows, I swear it sounds like she is saying "Wheres the ????" I can't make out the last word, but she says it three different times with the same cadence in the video always looking toward Mom in the kitchen. Wow she is growing up soooo fast. She starts to climb/step on the rail until her Mom gave her the careful girl indicator at which point she immediately changed her mind about doing that. Can hardly wait for you all to get here !!!!

    Love ya Papa Bella
