Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday!

I can not believe my girl is 2. Clint and I love this girl so much, and I think being a parent just gets better and better. Here is some info about our girl:

Favorite food:

-yogurt with sprinkles (chia seeds)
-pasta with sauce
-and pretty much anything sweet

This girl got her mommas sweet tooth and her daddys salty tooth!

Potty training:

-I think Sawyer is kinda ready but this Momma is not. She sets on the potty a few times a week but usually nothing happens. She can for sure hold her pee pee and poo poo which I know is a good sign, but I'm thinking that I will wait for this boy to get here, get him use to life and then this winter focus on potty training Sawyer!!

I love our schedule these days. Sawyer usually wakes up between 7 and 8. We eat breakfast and sit on the couch while having toast and drinking our chocolate milk. Then we usually wake Daddy up and he starts to get ready for work. I fix him lunch and Clint spends some time with Sawyer. Then off he goes to work and Sawyer and I usually have a busy day planned. We go to the Library every Monday for Story time and to get new books. We have playgroup with our friends from church once a week. We usually go to the store and do our weekly grocery shop. One day a week we go to the park for some outside play time and then we usually have a day where we stay home and clean and just play with our toys inside. Sawyer takes one nap from around 1:30-3:30. She has been waking up after 45 minutes and crying for the past month. I usually go in and tell her it's not time to wake up and she goes back to sleep or sometime I have to give her her paci (yes we still use it in rare cases) After nap time we start dinner, read books, and play outside until Daddy gets home. Then we eat dinner, play with Daddy (Sawyer LOVES when Clint "gets" her and plays with her on the bed), take a bath, then drink our milk and read books. Bedtime right now is not super enjoyable. She does great at first, we read books, CLint tucks her in bed and then I hold her and pray and sing songs. But as soon as I lay her back down in her bed she begins to scream, ask me for this or that, and I just give her a kiss tell her to go night night and that I love her. I close the door with her throwing a fit. Most nights I have to go back in there and tell you to stop screaming and go night night. I am pretty firm with her and that usually does the trick. On a rare occasion I will have to give her a spanking for throwing a really long fit, but thankfully that doesn't happen a lot. Okay enough rambling.

Sawyer is very loving towards others and loves her friends. However, she is starting to enter into the "mine" phrase and Clint and I have NO tolerance for this. It drives me crazy and breaks my heart at the same time. I am praying that she desires to share and make her friends happy and I am praying that she will adjust well to baby brother.

I tried to document her birthday day and here it is in pictures...

Dear Sawyer,
This year has been amazing, I would say better than your first year. Your momma and dadda fixed their first Thanksgiving dinner together, we spent our first Christmas day away from Kentucky, had a great winter trip to KY, found out you are going to be a big sister, spent our longest time away from daddy in KY during the summer, went on our first beach family vacation, and had many grandparent visits. You are such a delight to me and your daddy. You bring us so much Joy and we truly thank God for creating you. We are excited to see what this new year brings. I am enjoying my last few weeks with just you as my baby, but even after your brother comes you will still be my baby girl! We are praying that you will trust in Jesus and desire to love Him and love others with your life. Happy 2nd Birthday Sawyer Beth, We love you more than you could know.


  1. Happy 2nd birthday, sweet Sawyer baby! She sure is growing into a lovely little girl and is so blessed to have such a loving and intentional mama. Gabe went through the "mine" phase right at 2 and after a LOT of discipline, he has slowly gotten better with it. Obviously, they will continue to struggle with selfishness and hate to share, but so do we! Keep goin, sweet mama! Love you. Can't wait til our new babes are here and we can be together again at Christmas. Wish I could pat your belly and kiss Sawyers chubby cheeks. xoxo

    1. Oh, and I looked up chia seeds because I had never heard of them before and, evidently, they are super healthy for diabetics. Stop keeping secrets!
