Things are going really well in the Casabella household. Sawyer has been doing great these past couple of days. She is smiling all the time, it is so sweet. She is also starting to make cute little sounds like she is communicating with us. 2 nights ago she slept from 11:30-6:45am...that is the longest she has slept. Last night she went from 10:30-4:30 and then ate at 4:30 and went back to sleep until 8:15am, it was awesome! Even though these past couple of days have been great for Sawyer, she has not had a bowel movement since early Monday morning. I was giving her gas drops at every feeding and I think that has constipated her. We have talked with the doctors and they are not too concerned since she does not seem in too much pain. So let's pray for some poo poo!!
I am still working on her nap schedule during the day. She eats every 2- 2 1/2 hours so that is consistent; however, I am trying to get her to keep her awake for a little bit after she eats and then put her down for her nap awake and have her learn how to fall asleep on her own, right now she prefers to be rocked to sleep or held until she falls asleep...but we're working on it!
Tonight Clint is going to give Sawyer her first bottle. I am hoping it will go good and that she will still want to breastfeed but also be fine with taking a bottle. This Sunday we are going to try to go to church, I would like to leave her here with my parents and have Clint and I enjoy worshiping together without distractions, but it will be fine if she ends up coming with us. I have a lot of fun things planned the next few weekends. Tomorrow one of my sweet friends is having a baby shower and I am hoping to bring Sawyer to that. Then next weekend I am going to go out with some of my college girlfriends, hopefully Sawyer can stay home with her daddy and take a bottle! And this coming up week we are going to try to go back to our community group through out church...I miss those friendships so much and I am looking forward to being back in community.
Today, one of Clint's best friends is coming over to take some family pictures. I am so excited about this, but I am trying not to get my hopes up ... I am hoping Sawyer will enjoy this and be a happy girl and not fuss the whole time! We'll post some pictures once we get them and I am hoping to use one of the pictures for our Christmas card.
Well, hopefully that gives you some idea of what we have been up to and what we have to look forward to. I am loving being a mommy, it truly gets better everyday.
Alex =D