Monday, September 19, 2011


Okay I just want to prepare you this post you will see pictures of a girl who is adorable, precious, beautiful, smart...and yes believe me it's Sawyer. I know, you will think how could this be Sawyer...these pictures are of a big girl and Sawyer is a baby. But I promise you this is my baby Sawyer who is just growing up so fast. This weekend was very fallish here in PA and let me tell you I was loving every minute of it.

Sunday was wonderful. Even though Sawyer and I didn't make it to church because she was still under the weather we had a great day. It was the perfect fall tempature outside, with the perfect fall sky! I had lentil soup going on the stove, cornbread in the bread machine and my little pumpking in her big girl fall clothes and we went on a gorgeous walk to the park (where we had a blast). OKay enough rambling here are the pictures of this big girl who I promise is Sawyer =D

She can color, she can stand all by herself...and look at those blue jeans...too much cuteness!

This picture was taken after a long night for us all, she was bundled up with her mitch match outfit

Playing with Mommy's hat

She played for an hour on our steps having a ball. She was entertaining herself so well, and I just captured the moment!

Look at this face

Look at that butt in those jeans....ahhhh!

Being adorable in another fall big girl outfit

And if you can't tell...she's feeling much better now...praise the LORD! Alright I better go fix some yummy dinner! Hope you enjoyed looking at this big girl who will be one in a few weeks!


  1. Keep those new pics/post coming as Papa Bella just can't get enough of the adorable expressions and yes unfortunately the term they grow up too fast is founded in every parents experience ! In what seems like the blink of an eye they are grown, married, and making you a grandparent(having kids) Ha !

    Love Ya


  2. She is SO cute! I LOVE the bows:)

  3. so so precious!!! Oh miss Sawyer you are so big. Can't believe it. Really I can't. I just saw you in the hospital. How did that happen?

    Excited to see you in just a few weeks!
