Monday, July 9, 2012

Potty and pregnancy

This weekend Sawyer poo pooed on the little potty that we have. I am not trying to potty train her but she is in a weird phase where she would prefer to not wear a diaper but at the same time she doesn't want to go in the potty. On Saturday morning I took her diaper off and she was runnig around naked. She started to say "uh oh" and would touch her bottom. I knew she needing to go. She did not want to put her diaper on and she wouldn't sit on the big potty. So I asked if she wanted mommy to get the little potty ( it was in our basement). She said yes. She sat on it and jeep trying to go, it was so cute. Finally out popped two little poo poos :) Daddy gave her a chocolate chip and she was very proud of herself. She hasn't gone since but I'm fine with that. With baby boy coming I'm not really in a rush to train her, I'm thinking this winter. On another note, I have been experiencing a lot of leg, hip, and back pain this pregnacy. It's on my kept side, I think it's my siatic nerve. I went to the chiropractor on Friday and he did stuff that felt great but I am still having pain. Some days it's better than others. Today, I couldn't even walk through a grocery store. I would have to sit down every few minutes. It was pretty funny and Sawyer was ver concerned about her mommy. Every time I say my leg hurts she says, " mommy sit" and then goes over to kiss my leg! We are slowly getting ready for baby brother to come. Our friends brought us back our baby swing that they borrowed so it's up in our family room. I can tell Sawyer is getting excited, she knows something big is happening. Every morning when I get her up she says, "baby brother" . She'll randomly kiss my belly and also say "baby brother" . I'm praying hard that she'll adjust well,be a great helper, and love being a big sister! :) We leave for the beach Saturday with Clint's moms family. So excited! I'll post all about it when we get back.

1 comment:

  1. This is so precious. I get that "uh oh" feeling myself sometimes...but I usually have my clothes on.
