Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hey everybody!
We still don't have the internets yet, but we are using our friend's computer to post some videos. Check them out and Enjoy!
A big step in her life! (No pun intended)


  1. Aww, look at her! She is getting so big! Miss you all and can't wait to come see you soon! Thanks for putting the videos up!

  2. Clint used to pout and complain when we tried to get him to crawl just like Sawyer was doing in the video.........and if memory serves me he ended up walking before he got good at crawling so don't be suprised if it is that way for her too ! Awesome videos...please keep them coming ! Clint I met a friend of yours (Wally Fluer) today at a business function ! Take Care Gpa MC!

  3. way to go sawyer!!! I miss you guys so much! It was fun to see bits and pieces of your apt. put up a video tour!
