Friday, April 27, 2012

Beautiful quote

“Seeing life in seasons enables us to get some perspective in our lives. In every season there will be trials and joys. Hardly anything lasts forever. We need to see our life in seasons and rejoice in the season at hand. As we relax and begin to soak up the unique blessings of this particular season, we will begin to experience and to enjoy the incredible richness of life.” -Susan Yates


  1. That's beautiful and so true. I really needed to be reminded of that as I sometimes miss those days when my children were young. Feeling very blessed for the new seasons to come!
    Love and hugs to the whole family

  2. I used a quote very similar to this when I used to teach GE executives ways to prioritize their lives. Many of them admitted that there were times they didn't even know what season it was because they were in offices, airplanes or thinking about work when driving. This quote helped them realize that not only noticing the seasons but really experiencing them was important for their souls & business.
