Thursday, April 26, 2012

Grandma Sawyer

I put this outfit on Sawyer a week ago to go for a walk. I thought she looked too cute. A little grandma like though, hehe. She pushed the stroller the whole time on our walk and was having a blast!

On a side note this has been a long week for us. Little miss has been sick all week. I think this is the longest she has ever been sick. Her fever started Monday morning it reached 104.8 on Tuesday night. It would go down with medicine and then go right back up after the meds wore off. She was pretty fussy and wanted to be held a lot. Today she hasn't had a fever but she didn't sleep well last night so she has been pretty fussy again today. Then at lunch she bit her tongue and it started bleeding...we just can't get a break! I'm praying for good rest tonight and a happy girl tomorrow ready to see her grammy and grampy!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hope Sawyer is feeling better!!!!! She is so CUTE in these Granny pics! Miss & Love you guys!
    Papa Bella !!!
