Wednesday, May 9, 2012

“Mothers are always on call, expected to have all the answers and limitless energies. They’re supposed to do everything; it’s taken for granted. How can you be and do everything expected of you? What you need is a habitual sense of the presence of God. Think that Almighty God, who created the stars and keeps the seasons revolving in perfect rhythm, is there in your kitchen, in your bathroom, in the laundry room, in the grocery store. Mothers, be prepared for an arduous struggle. Your calling is impossible without prayer, the comfort and instruction of the Scriptures and fellowship in your church.”
~Elisabeth Elliot

Thank you Mom, Grandmother, and Susan for always being on call for us! We love and appreciate you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Alex! Being a mother is the most wonderful privilege and calling I have ever experienced. I have loved being a mother! Sometimes I wish that I knew way back then what I know now. Haha! As they always say, it goes by way too fast. I am so thankful for my children and grandchildren. I am also so blessed to have daughter in laws like you and Amy who are such loving, godly wives and mothers. Happy Mother's Day to you Alex! I hope you have a wonderful day and that Clint and Sawyer will make it special. You are an incredible blessing to our family!
