Thursday, August 2, 2012

Update on life and cute outfit

Well I haven't blogged in awhile. We've been busy and I have been tired. Trying to get as much sleep now until the new baby comes. We had an amazing time in Florida, it was so worth the adventure down there. Sawyer loved it and keeps asking to go back. =D

My birthday was wonderful. Sawyer and I went to Starbucks and got a special treat then went to the park to feed the ducks, walk, and play on the playground. After that we went to a friends house for lunch and fellowship. That night Clint had to work late so Sawyer and I fixed dinner, ate, and then met Bethan and Jane for some ice cream. The girls had a blast together and Bethan and I had good talks. It was a sweet memory that I will always cherish. The next night Sawyer and I met Clint after work at a little farm that is close to his work. Unfortunately it starting raining as soon as we got there. Boo! Sawyer was sad but we will go back sometime next week. Then we went to Whole Foods and ate dinner, did a little shopping and simply had a fun family outing. We need to do more of those before this baby comes!

Today, I put Sawyer in an outfit that my grandmother made her. It was adorable! I had to take pictures. But right after I got Sawyer in the outfit this happened

Once she calmed down I got a few good pictures. Nothing great but I wanted to capture all angles of Sawyer in the outfit so grandmother could see how precious it looked on her!

Our girl still has her moments but she has been so sweet lately. Here are some favorite Sawyer sayings:

-Whats it mommy (when Clint and I are talking and she wants me to explain to her what we are talking about)
-So pretty mommy (while stroking my hair or touching a dress I have on)
-baby brottther where are you? (looking at my belly and talking to her brother)
-daddy where are you? where are youuuu? (waiting for daddy to come home from work)
-I helpin mommy (whenever she thinks she is helping me do something)
-tank you (after we give her something that she wanted, she does great at thanking us!)

I can't think of anymore at the moment, but as I think of them I will try and add them on here! I am cherishing every moment with this sweet girl. We are going to have a great end of the summer and beginning of fall!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics sure can see those choppers on pic 2

    Papa Bella
