Monday, September 13, 2010

Baby Casabella update

Well Clint and I went to the doctor this morning and all is well with our sweet baby girl!!

As of right now I am 1cm dilated and 50% effaced and her head is very very low. The doc said we could have a baby any day now; however, I would like her to wait at least until October 1st, I really want an October baby ( I know that's silly) And my in-laws are going on a trip for 2 weeks and we don't want them to miss the birth of their first granddaughter! But she'll come when she's ready to come and we will all have to deal with it =D

We go back next week, so we will see what progress ( if any) we have made.

Please continue to pray for my UTI, it has gotten better but it's still there =(

Blessings, Alex


  1. Glad she's doing well! :) Hope you are feeling better soon, and that she holds off until October (for your sake:)

  2. I'm glad you are feeling better. Can I make a request that you wait until I see you again to have this baby?? :) I really want a picture of our two preggers bellies. I want to remember how I shared my pregnancy with friends:)

    thats my small request
