Sunday, September 12, 2010

Crazy weekend

Well this weekend did not go as planned but the Lord has gotten me through it.

Clint and I had to watch some kids Saturday morning at their house, all was going well until around 9am when I began to realize that I might have a urinary tract infection. Throughout the morning the pain got worse and worse. I had a baby shower at 2pm so I wanted to at least try to feel better for that. Clint and I decided it would be best if I went to the hospital to get the results and get on medications if it was a UTI. We took the kids to my in-laws and Clint stayed there with them as I went to the hospital. Overall my hospital visit was awesome, the nursing staff was great and I got to see my baby's heartbeat and realize that I was having contractions, so exciting! Apparently I have been having contractions for a few weeks now and never realized it, so that was good to figure that out. The nurses said our sweet girls heartbeat looked great. The doctor said I had a really really bad UTI and would need to get on medication immediately. I left the hospital by 1:20pm and made it to my shower just in time.

The shower was a huge blessing, it was thrown by my mom's friends and some of my mother-in-laws friends came too. I was given great gifts, great advice, and had wonderful food. Even though I wasn't feeling 100% it was still a great shower.

By the time I made it home I started to feel a lot of pain in my lower back, the pain continued and got more intense as the evening went on. By night time I was so uncomfortable and nothing would relieve my pain. Clint and I called the doctor just to make sure he thought everything was okay. The doc said I could have a kidney infection or even a kidney stone, yuck!!! He said all I could do was drink lots of water, cranberry juice and take my medicine for at least 48 hours before they could do anything else. So let's just say Clint and I had a LONG night, but my honey took such great care of me, rubbing my back for hours, and just being there for me at all times!

I am finally starting to feel better, praise the LORD. I go to the doctor Monday morning so hopefully I will find out if I still have a UTI or if it's a kidney infection. This has somewhat prepared me for what labor will be like =D

I will update once I get back from the doctor tomorrow morning. Please pray that all will be well!

I'll post some pictures from the shower


  1. Oh my goodness-how terrible!! :( I'm sorry you are feeling so poorly-but I hope that you are feeling better soon, and that it's not a kidney infection or kidney stones... Praying for you and Clint! Thanks for the update! :)

  2. yeah alex for your blog!!!! can't wait to see pics when she is here :) and so, so, so for your infection (and i pray not a kidney stone)!! you look great at your shower though :) glad i saw you had a blog to keep up with you, esp. when you all move! love you girl! Erica

  3. Alex... I feel so bad for you. I hope everything is ok and that you don't have a kidney stone or infection. Let me know if we can do anything for you guys. I'd love to get together with you before this baby comes and your life gets joyfully hectic:)

  4. iam so glad you are better. we are all waiting to meet our new grand baby girl . HER ROOM LOOKS PRETTY AND inviting. I AM SURE SHE WILL FEEL LIKE A LITTE PRINCESS! LOVE TO YOU ALL GRANDMA DO (ALIAS)DORIS
