Thursday, September 30, 2010

Great day...random thoughts

Well today is the last day of September, which means I should get my October baby!!! Yesterday and last night I was having tons of contractions, but nothing that was painful. I can tell my body is getting ready to get this baby out into the world!

The weather is beautiful here in Kentucky, I am loving it and thanking God for my favorite season. Today, I got a Caramel Apple Spice from Starbucks and it was AMAZING, seriously amazing...

Tomorrow I go back to the doctor for my weekly checkup, I will post shortly after with the results. After my checkup I am getting a pedicure, it took me a little while to talk Clint into letting me get one, but now he's on board and I can't wait!!

My sweet friend Megan got me the book "The Shaping of a Christian Family" by Elisabeth Elliot.

I've read it once a year ago or so, but just started reading it again today and I am LOVING it. Elisabeth Elliot is one of my favorite godly authors, and this book tells how her parents nurtured her faith. It is a beautiful story of godly parents raising children to love the Lord, I have already gotten so many ideas and I have only read the first few pages.

The Lord has been so good to me lately, I was struggling with some fears and anxiety and he placed several women recently in my life this week to speak truth and encouragement. What is so cool is that these women didn't even know my fears, but the Lord gave them the exact words I needed to hear, I love when He does that!!! Also, Clint and I were in need of newborn/0-3 month clothes for our little girl and I was starting to worry about not having enough clothes for her. A few days ago my two friends gave me bags full of little girl clothes in that size...God provided again!

I am loving everyday and getting so excited to bring this little girl into the world, to love her, hold her, meet her needs, and most importantly teach her about Jesus. I am ready ( as much as I can be) to begin motherhood!!!

Until tomorrow,


1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord for His provision!! I can't wait to meet this little girl and am gald/surprised to see she has waited till October!! Let me know if you need anything:)
