Wednesday, August 3, 2011

10 months

Sawyer is 10 months old today, I can not believe it! This is by far my favorite stage. She is starting to understand so much and she is trying to hard to communicate with us, it's precious! I didn't do a 9 month post...shame shame on me. So I might combine some 9 month stuff with 10 month stuff.

Here is some info of miss Sawyer Beth:


-She eats pretty much everything now. I hardly "make" her baby food, it's now all finger foods for the most part
-She LOVES blueberries right now, she eats so much her poop is blue =D
-She also loves mango's, peaches, chicken, turkey, peas, carrots, bread, cherries, the list goes on and on
-Today she had pancakes for the first time (they were whole wheat with bananas, oats, applesauce, and cinnamon) She liked them but didn't love them
-I am starting to introduce eggs
-She loves cereal with milk

If you can't tell this girl likes to eat.


-She was nursing 4 times a day
-The beginning of July I started to not produce enough milk for that last feeding so she got a bottle of 5 ounces of formula before bed
-Slowly throughout the month of August she has gotten more and more bottles with formula
-I completely stopped nursing when she was almost 10 months
-Now she take a bottle 3 times a day, each bottle is around 6 or 8 ounces
-I wasn't nearly as sad to stop nursing as I thought I would be. It was getting to the point where she would only nurse for a few minutes, now she takes a bottle for about 10 minutes so that's nicer. It's pretty convenient at this age to take a bottle and I can give it to her in the car, at the store, or wherever (if need be). Clint can feed her now which gives me more freedom. The worst part was the MONEY, thankfully she wont be on formula for too long.


-Wakes around 7ish now (after sleeping through the whole night, whoo hooo) and bottle right when she wakes up
-Play time on her own while I make breakfast, pack Clint's lunch and drink my coffee
-Breakfast around 8ish
-Usually go on a walk once Clint leaves for work
-Nap time 9-10:30am
-Play time/ Visit friends etc...
-Lunch around 12:30pm
-Room time and book time
-Bottle 1:30 or 2:00 pm
-Nap time 2-4:00pm
-Light snack
-Play in the kitchen while Mommy cooks
-Dinner around 5:30pm
-Walk/Playtime with Daddy/Bath
-Bottle around 7:30pm
-Night night around 8

This is my favorite schedule so far, she is doing so well on it and is just a blast. Her personality is just blossoming!

Words she can say:

-Daddy (says it all the time when Clint is home)
-Doggy (not super clear but we know she is trying to say it)
-Mom Moma (in a whinny voice and reaches for me)
-Hi (will do it when I get her after her nap and when she sees new people)
-She tries to talk all the time

When we went for Sawyers 9 month check up she weighed around 20 lbs. and was in the 75% for height, 90% for weight, and 35% for head ( I think). She was doing great according to the doc!

What else to say...Sawyer loves people and animals. If she sees a dog walk by on the street she freaks out and LOVES it, and if she hears a kids high voice she gets so excited and looks around trying to find the kid...I hope her love for people and animals continues! =D

I'm starting to think of ideas for her first birthday party, it's so tempting to go all out and do a "fall" theme, but on the other hand I would love to do a theme of something she loves i.e. dogs! Well see! Any ideas out there???

Happy 10 months baby keep getting sweeter by the months and I am so excited for what the future holds. You are so loved by your mommy, daddy, and everyone else around you. We are so thankful that God created you and gave you to us, you truly are a blessing and a gift and I am treasuring these "baby" moments because I know before I realize it you will be such a big girl!!!

p.s. No pictures yet, still working on it! So sorry!!!

1 comment:

  1. seriously miss you guys a ton. sawyer looks so big in that video up there. I love how she rocks that baby doll with such passion! HAH the girl must really love those blueberries if her poop is blue!!
    Can't wait till OCT gets here!!
